The variety of templates for blogger is increasing, after the innovative Photografia template for photo bloggers, Dante Araujo has used the same light box features and come up with a cleaner design for Photoplus
A wonderful theme for photo blogger, as you can see only the photograph thumbnails are displayed on the main page. People can browse through your site with the help of labels and even that display is the same.
A user can expand the photo by clicking on it, since this template makes use of a similar javascript as the Photografia template as well as get back to the thumbnail mode by clicking on the expanded image.
The template comes with a fully functional three column footer where you can add widgets of your choice or even some more categories or a tag cloud.
Your posts are basically pictures and to add them you need to use the following code
<img alt="A description of the image goes here." longdesc="LINK_TO_THE_FULLSIZE_IMAGE" src="LINK_TO_THE_THUMBNAIL" />
Download the Photoplus + Blogger Theme